4 min read

National Cybersecurity Website

Table of Contents

Goal of the Website

Design and Develop a Website the National Cybersecurity Congress. The app should allow:

  • Registration in the event
  • Accommodation Booking
  • Display of various informations about the event ( Program , About , Contact us )

Design process

I was still heavily influenced by the minimalistic movement then so I preferred a simple design with on point interactions and heavy focus on accessibility. Getting lost on this website meant an immediate disinterest from the event and that was something I could not risk.

The Palette

No big Thinking here, I used the same color palette as the Social Media posts. Black my primary and red my secondary with two shades to set the emphasis level.

 Design Palette


The Main font was Exo, a cool sans-serif font with really soft edges kinda looks like poppins but it’s lighter and has a professional vibe. The spacing between letters were a bit larger than other fonts like Roboto which made it easier to read and made me use heavier weights comfortably.

Techno Hideo: was my display font It showed the techie vibe of the event.


The Design

Design Overview

Two click rule

If you keep count you should find yourself navigating to where you want or getting an action done always with 2 clicks or less. This made the registration process seems smooth and the booking flow simpler than most Google Forms or Microsoft Forms.


Due to the small time I had to develop the app, I went easy on myself and the whole responsiveness process was about changing layouts and removing unnecessary elements from the UI.

Program Section

In the program section the white transforms to gray and that to gives the User the feeling of entering a new separate section of the website. I had fun with the animations as I tried to give a fully interactive experience for the user with the event’s program.

Program Section Design


  • NextJS was what I used for the development
  • Tailwind CSS as styling library to fasten things up.
  • Framer Motion : React Animation Library, that offers a lot of features to make complex and cool animations. I didn’t want to go for GreenSock as I wasn’t that familiar with it at that time.
  • No State Management Library : I used React Contexts.
  • Data Fetching and API Calls : React Query, one of the best libraries that I have learned this year and have greatly improved my websites in term of both performance and DX. This library just sums up at least 4 hooks that I was using and help me control the data caching and we should not forget the optimistic UI option. Well, it really made me think do we still need Graphql ?

In Conclusion

A very challenging project, I am really proud of the outcome. Despite the simple design people had a little problem with the registration process as It demanded a good password. The problem was quickly remediated by adding more informative messages across the password field part.

I want to thank Hazem Ben Said who developed the backend and endured my never ending questions.

Website Link : NCSC National Cybersecurity Congress