6 min read

NCSC 3.0 CTF Web Writeups

Table of Contents

The National Cyber Security Congress is a national wide event where all cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals meet to share knowledge and participate in many challenges and workshops . The NCSC in its third edition took place the 28,29,30 of January 2022 and i was lucky to participate in its CTF event !

Broken Pingyy

Broken Pingy Task

First, only the website link was provided in the task description.

Broken Pingy Website

I tried XSS and SQL injection but i didn’t get anything. After some time a hint came which is the source code of the challenge. All i had to do is to open it .

Broken Pingy Code

As we can see by tracking the $clean command i was able to find the vulnerability.

The escapeshellarg() is a PHP function that adds single quotes around a string and quotes/escapes any existing single quotes allowing you to pass a string directly to a shell function and having it be treated as a single safe argument.

Broken Pingy Vuln

Let’s try to add some spice to the IP address ( Do not forget you have to close the bash -c argument single quote xD by either adding a command at the end because the payload will become ‘payload’ so we will have ''bash -c 'ping -c1 -w3 *'payload'* " so we need two shell commands inside payload .

' & cd / & cat flag

Broken Pingy Solved

Welcome to Web Universe

Welcome To Web Universe Task

Welcome To Web Universe Website

As you can see the Website seems very empty nothing but a text and weird URL /leetstatus . I checked the HTML code of the page to see if there is any hidden comments.

Welcome To Web Universe Code Nothing :’)

I opened the source code . It’s a flask application and the nginx server configuration was included.

Welcome To Web Universe Source Code

  • What got my attention is this weird combination of both routes . How in the flask application we get the status page from

http://api:5000/v1/status and we have clearly did . In the nginx configuration the requests were proxied but how it did really work. How could we get the leetstatus route ?

A quick read of NGINX docs was really needed

Nginx Docs

Oh so it replaces the part of the URI that matches the given location by the proxy_pass. To put it in other words /leet -> /v1/ .

Now i understood how it works. Looking back to the Location it’s vulnerable to LFI but it needs a little bit of thinking . We want to get to http://api:5000/flag which is the same as http://api:5000/v1/../flag By transforming it by the reverse proxy configuration we get

Welcome To Web Universe Solved


Peehpee Task This challenge was all about concentration . Peehpee As we can see two things were our main problem . The first that the first underscore query variable was filtered of all helpful characters and the second that the same query variable was the one executed .


Wait is it really sanitized ? The regex is clearly bad . It means any string that starts with dollar sign will be good to go and that’s all we need to solve it . So by making :


# we will get at the evaluated expression

return $x =.$x.

# which will evaluate to Kahla so the if statement will become true and we will get the flag !

Peehpee Solved

Race Condition

Race Uploader Task

By opening the challenge we find the source code and the website . We quickly check the website. It’s an upload page for only PNG,GIF, JPG formats. For the code it’s simple . It uploads the files to /uploads directory and verify their formats if they are bad they simply delete . That’s all i needed to know.

Race Uploader Website

Race Uploader Code Reflecting back, the challenge name was a really good clue . Race Uploader ? Race Conditions !

Race Condition Explanation

Race Uploader Code

In our case, the problem will occur after the upload . Actually, the bad file will not be immediately deleted. A context switch might occur leaving the operation hanging till our thread goes running again . The problem is when that happens . The simple answer we don’t know ! We have to keep sending both the request that holds the bad file and the get request to fetch the flag till they hook up .

  • In the top right there is the file we will upload to the server !
  • I wrote a small python script code below to continuously send get requests to the URL/uploads/ourFileName.php

 #! /usr/bin/python
import requests
while True:
    response = requests.get(reqs)
    if(response.status_code ==200):

Race Uploader Solver Pretty cool right ?

Weird PHP

Weird PHP

This challenge is straight forward . We got three variables that we need to pick values for so all the if statement will be evaluated as true. The thing here is we have loose comparison and a quick google search might come very helpful . First If statement : setting the key value to 0 will make it match the hidden string .


---> So we got a={"key":0}

Second we want to make the md5(b) == md5(c). Should i think about md5 hash collisions ? No that is clearly a rabbit hole by making both b and c null we can pass the second if statement. So a quick search if the md5() returns a null statement

Stack Overflow Comment was very helpful

OK, here’s a hint.

PHP’s md5() function expects its argument to be a string.

Can you think of some way of forcing this statement to deal with a different data type?

Alright, let’s make them arrays ---> So we got b[ ]=1 & c[ ]=1

Finally all we have to do is visit our URL{%22key%22:0}&b[]=1&c[]=1

Weird Php Solved

Final words

First of all, I really want to thank my teammates hadil and killkillkill for their huge efforts . I was both tired and sleep deprived during the CTF and i was about to give up and go to bed numerous times. You are great teammates ! Now, all my gratitude to the Securinets Technical Team for writing these numerous challenging and fun tasks that allowed in 6 hours to learn many new things.